Gourmand Cookbook award

The Gourmand World Cookbook Awards were founded in 1995 by Edouard Cointreau, and every year there is a award show, and in 2017 me and Sune won for special award of the jury. This year it is held in Yantai, China and here is your thank you speech to everyone. We won with the self published book : Bornholm, beauty, bohos and beasts. It is a book about the culture around the local cuisine of Bornholm.


We are soooo glad to be here on stage, so thank you

MR. Contreau and the gourmand cookbook award –

especailly because last year we practically was on our

way to the stage, when we actually found out that we

got beaten by the french, and got 3rd place.

We made a book – as the rest of you – its about local

food, and food producers, on our lovely danish island

Bornholm in the middle of the Baltic sea.

You are all invited to visit us on the small food island in

Denmark, and if you do, we would love to be your


We really appreciate the fact that such a small niche

book has been so well received, and also by the

Gourmand jury.

Since this is a self published book we did all the work,

so thank you Sune great text, and recipes and


– thank you Anders for world class photography, and

visuals. but we could not have done it without Malene

Sommer for setting up the book (thankyou for keeping

your legs together and not spit out a boy before the

book was done),

Terry sisters for translating so you too can read it,

Henrik Grove for proofreading, and William Dams

publishing for assistance, and local marketing. And

thank you to our families for putting up with two food

nerds for so long.

If you would like to have a word with us later on, we will

be found all way in the back with a ton of beer !!

cheers !!